12 November, 2009

Sometimes Life Gets In The Way

Sometimes life just gets in the way. . I know I promised a blog about our field trip to Boston. I promise I will get to it at some point. Unfortunately I've had some life issues interfere with not only my blogging abilities but school as well, to the point where I a man leaving Cooperstown early for Thanksgiving break. On Monday, as I was walking around my room I caught  my shoe on the cord of my computer. I fell forward into the push-up position cursing all the way down. Shortly after impact, which was mostly on my palms, I blacked out from the pain in my shoulder. Now, to ER tips, three visits to my PT, and two trigger point injections into my shoulder later, I am still in a pretty decent amount of pain. I'm using my wonderful voice recognition software to type, but it's difficult to do really much of anything when you're on Valium. at this point, the main goal is to get means stable enough that I can stay conscious for a car ride to Albany airport, and the flight back to Des Moines. Hopefully, now that I'm on the proper cocktail of medications, on top of those injections, I should be able to manage it on Tuesday, when my flight has been booked. In the meantime, my life is really dependent on my wonderful and amazing roommates, we've gone far beyond the call of duty to take care of me. For the most part, I'm just staying in bed trying to keep up with my reading and not aggravate anything any further. I've spoken with Gretchen, our program director, whose assured me that will do everything possible to make sure I can finish the semester on time. I won't vent my frustrations here, but I'm sure you can imagine what they are. thank you for the support I've gotten from everyone over the last few days, it really means a lot and has helped me keep pushing through.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry about this terrible setback! Grad school is hard enough without being debilitatingly sick! Get well soon, dear.
